Definitions: Larapinta Trail Supported

1 min. readlast update: 07.07.2024

Larapinta Trail Supported means utilising or accessing human-made or human-supplied services for your hike. This includes but is not limited to using transfers, food drops, water tanks, campsites and shelters on the Larapinta Trail or in the West Macs/Tjoritja National Park or any form of human contact and support.

You are walking the Larapinta Trail Supported if you use any of the below services:

  • Transfers ( transport, shuttles, helicopters, taxis, bike, horseback, anything other than your own feet!)
  • Food Drops ( food drops on the trail, container use, deliveries, use of storerooms etc)
  • Water Tanks and Taps ( using the water tanks or taps at the shelters and other locations)
  • Shelters and Campsites.
  • Trailheads and Information Boards
  • Accepting or having any form of human contact for help, assistance, tips while on your hike
If you are using any of the above, your Larapinta Trail hike is supported, because a human needs to provide you with services to assist you in your hike, contrary to what many hikers assume is a supported or unsupported hike. Less than 0.7% of hikers complete the trail unsupported each year.

Related Link: Larapinta Trail Unsupported

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