Larapinta Trail Unsupported means you do not use any form of human-made or human-supplied services for your hike. This means being completely independent of any human-supported services or infrastructure from start to finish.
You are walking the Larapinta Trail Unsupported if you:
- Don't use any Transfers, Food Drops, Resupply, Water Tanks and Taps, Shelters and Campsites, Trailheads and Information Boards or accept or have any form of human contact for help, assistance, tips while on your hike unless in a life-threatening situation.
- You carry all your own food, water and equipment for the duration of your hike.
- You resupply your water from natural water sources only.
- You have zero contact with any humans.
Less than 0.7% of hikers complete the trail unsupported.
Related Link: Larapinta Trail Supported